I am so old school sometimes I surprise myself...I hand wrote this blog! Yes, plain old paper and a “Bic” pen straight from my heart to yours. I once read somewhere that there is a perfect decade out there for everyone, one that defines you from a style point of view. One that just feels like deja vu. And I think I just found mine….and I couldn’t be happier.
I am indeed an old soul so hell yes I am a 70’s girl for sure. I see the world through retro rose tinted sunglasses I tell you. Its’ called optimism – a pretty filter on life’s harsh realities and my recent wrinkles and just maybe my blog is supposed to be a happy filter, right? I’m certainly not gonna tell you what your decade is or isn’t, but I sincerely hope that you find yours.
Fashion has always been fun to me and I hope that never changes. Remember being a kid and wearing your mum’s pretty stuff and traipsing around in her heels thinking, wow I ‘m beautiful, and I hope to be half as amazing as mum someday. I doubt I ever looked great, drowning in mum’s dresses and clumsy in her heels. But it’s that sense of joy, that pretty filter that exists so naturally when you’re a child.
That awe and wonder’s still there somewhere deep inside of you and it’s time to let that girl shine again.
So, whether you want to get that 70’s brown girl magic like the iconic super-model Iman, rock it like the androgynous John Lennon, be that tie-dye hippie chic sista from the 60’s or look way back to the mega glam 1940’s – you go do that, just because you can! There are no rules, follow your heart and listen to your gut. Make yourself happy and have fun at it!
So, oh yes back to that 70’s vibe…When I think 70’s, I think do your thing, forget the rules. I like bell-bottoms with tight retro vintage print tees. It’s that fitted waist/flattering bottom silhouette thing that the 70’s did so well, making you look taller and curvier without being too girly right? Not that girly’s bad, it’s just that I like a little bit of power dressing / a hint of androgynous edginess. The perfect amount of sassy!!!!
Retro shades are way too much fun to miss out on. I love these dolphin H&M kid’s shades. My 6-year-old spotted them, and truth be told I secretly want them too. They were bought on the premise that we were going to have turns wearing them lol. The rose tint is awesome, making my tired eyes look pretty. One of the other things about the 70’s I love is the prints; less psychedelic tie-dye than the 60’s but still celebrating color and pattern. That’s why I love my custom sari blazer. It’s the perfect way to add some spice to a pair of jeans. Using this modern silhouette and giving it an edge using traditional Indian fabric makes it such a functional pick me statement piece, celebrating who I am today.
It’s time to put my pen and paper to bed. So much nicer writing in my pretty dim-lit bedroom than staring at the harsh light of a screen. So, I suggest if it’s nearly bedtime, you too can do something relaxing. Be good to yourself and those who matter. Forget all the little crappy stuff; it’s really not important at the end of the day. You are good, you are beautiful and keep doing what makes you happy.

And tomorrow, wear THAT dress, get those lashes you have been wanting to try, knock on that door and yes ask for that raise … you ‘re AMAZING, so smile little girl.
And check me out in my 70’s inspired looks below…. can you feel the joy?
Spread the love, find your era and make your mark!
Rock it like a LAANI RAANI
Love always
Laani Raani
