So, it’s that time of the year where people go manic … last minute shop frenzies, family feuding, mosquito mania if you’re in the southern hemisphere, re-wrapping of last years unwanted Christmas gifts, credit card woes and a general sense of over-indulgence. So, I am here to tell you chill out –
Go vintage shop browsing, haggle at a flea market or well repurpose something old, go make something. There are loads of bygone treasures out there waiting to be loved. I'm totally an anti-consumerism girl. I love making homemade gifts – yes, you can so feel the love. It’s way more special, so take the time to breathe some soul into these TLC pieces and make them your own. Try your hand at making your own wrapping paper. Let the kids go crazy on super inexpensive brown craft wrap, it's super rewarding and fun. Tradition in my home is to whip up a big bath of homemade bath bombs and this year we will be making some awesome homemade cleanser and pompom socks to gift our family and friends. We've already started on some super simple decoupage tissues boxes – for happy tears-off course.

Remember style is free – shop your garage, pantry and wardrobe today. Make something and make a difference to the planet and those who matter. And remember, Christmas is coming so dress to impress. You are after all the prettiest Christmas ornament.
As for this look, well what can I say except sometimes life can be rather mundane, so I am gonna rev things up in my vintage custom Laani Raani Sari gown – because hey grocery shopping aisles can be a catwalk too.

Go do your thing,
Laani Raani

Photo Cred: Tegan Smith